How To Clean An Electric Stove Top: Make Your Stove Look New

The stove is the prior demand of every house. In the same way, kitchen cleanliness is directly related to our health. We could not compromise on the cleanliness of our food cooking area.

In the latest technology, many kinds of materials are used to make stovetops clean and clear. However, the question remains how to clean an electric stovetop most effectively.

Nowadays, the main kinds of stovetop are usually ceramic, induction, vitroceramic, and electric. The electric stove gets a prior space in our kitchen, so cleaning the electric stovetop is very simple but sometimes hectic. We recommend microfibre cloth to clean the top of the stove. Here we share proven guidelines on how to clean an electric stovetop. First, we will discuss some elements which ruin the stovetop’s cleanliness. Let’s begin!

Factors Affecting the Cleanliness of Electric Stove Top

Somehow the electric stovetop is quite simple to clean, but different factors can contaminate it. Usually, we get highly annoying stains on top, which creates restlessness. These factors bitterly affect the top of an electric stove. If we do not clean it on the spot, it causes significant damages to the surface. Let’s shower light on the factors affecting the cleaning of electric stovetop:

Spots of Oil

During the cooking, oil droplets fell on top of the stove. These droplets cause permanent stains. These stains ruin the look of the stove and make it greasy. In addition, the oil droplets can be removed using an oil remover cleaner or vinegar solution. Keep in mind that always try to use a soft sponge and warm water to remove these stains.

Burnt Residue of Tea

While making tea, the unclean tea drops will be burnt due to the continuous supply of heat. It will ruin the next day’s cooking due to its ugly shape and foul smell. Without cleaning the spot, it will leave a permanent burnt residue on the top of an electric stove.

The burnt residue of tea gives a brown look on the surface which turns black gradually. That’s why it requires a stiff knife or wire gauge for removal and sometimes destroys the top of the stove. However, baking soda is considered a good remover for stubborn tea spots. Sprinkle a good amount of baking soda and rinse the spot with warm water.

Food Residue

Usually, we don’t notice the food particles left on the stove’s top surface, and it causes stubborn stains. The use of liquid food often creates this trouble. So, we should keep a microfiber cloth to keep such stains away while cooking. The reason is that microfiber perfectly manages this issue in the meantime. In case of any rough spots left, use a solution of soap and warm water for cleaning.

Floor Particles

Not to mention, floor particles are not a big deal for a stovetop. If we do not remove them on time, they will turn into a brown residue which gives a giant look to the stove top. Always clean the floor particles’ residue with a soft towel. You Can also use a dry cloth for cleaning purposes without any scratches. Also, warm water dampening cloth is suitable for cleaning food particles from the stove. 

Boiled Milk Residue

If milk drops fall on the stove while boiling it, they can contaminate the surface. Burnt milk causes a foul burning odor. Due to continuous heating, it gives a rough mark on the surface. Therefore, whenever boiled milk falls on the stove, wipe it immediately. It is good to use a cleaner on the stained area and wipe it with clean water. Keep in mind that some cleaners secrete fumes on hot surfaces, so don’t avoid precautions.

Melted Sugar Or Ketchup Stains

Ketchup residue often becomes the stubborn mark on the surface. You can use any detergent with warm water to remove these stains. Eliminate melted sugar immediately because it leaves a permanent mark that produces a burning smell also. If the sugary food spills on the stove’s surface, switch off the circuit and clean the stains immediately. You can also use a sharp scraper to remove stains.

Now let’s get deeper into your kitchen and share some methods for the cleanliness of your electric stovetop.

Methods To Clean The Electric Stove Top

Here we have discussed the proven cleaning methods for the electric stove top in the following:

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Use Water Dip Towel or Cloth

Always try to wipe the stains before they convert into permanent stains. For this purpose, always keep a microfibre cloth near the stove. After cooking, use a water dip towel or cloth to eliminate the residue from the stove surface. It will give your stove a better look and extend its life span. Wipe out from all sides with warm water, even the stove’s burner.

In most cases, if you have a smooth surface glass stove, you can easily clean it with a water dip cloth. Try to use a lint-free cloth to remove a burning smell if left on the surface. 

Set Burner On Highest Flame

The maximum left residue will be clean in this process due to the highest flame. It is an auto-clean procedure and extremely useful. You can get rid of maximum dirt using this method, but you need to adopt a cleaning process for residue. It cannot clean dirt thoroughly but make further work easy. Somehow a natural smoke is produced from the burner. After the smoke stops, it will burn the residue, but you will have to turn the burner off. So, always handle a cool burner because it can burn bare hands. 

Using Soap And Water To Eliminate Dirtiness

First, remove the coil of the stove to avoid any electric shock. You can use soap and lukewarm to clean the electric stovetop. Prepare a soap and warm water solution and apply it directly on the stove via a spray bottle. Rinse it with a cloth after scrubbing. In the case of an electric stove, do not avoid preventive measures so that the coil does not get wet. Always clean the burner with a lint-free dishrag. The one tip which may be helpful for you is to wipe the stovetop with a rag.

Use Of Baking Soda

Baking soda is the best cleaner for the kitchen. You may use it to clean the stove,  dishes, clothes, cabinet, etc. Prepare a mixture of baking soda and water in a small bowl. Use equal quantities to make a thick paste and apply it on the top and burners for 20 minutes. 

After that, set it for 20 minutes and wipe it out with a clean microfibre cloth. The baking soda method cleans some hidden areas of the stove also. It is pretty beneficial for every type of stove. The reason is that baking soda can avoid the formation of bacteria. It also helps to clean the area beneath the stove. There is another way to apply baking soda. You have to sprinkle the baking soda on the surface and wipe it with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Clean Electric Stovetop With White Vinegar

Vinegar is highly acidic in composition. It can react with stains and remove them. Vinegar chemicals give a shiny look to your electric stovetop. Let’s make a vinegar solution to give your stovetop a fabulous look. According to your requirement, add one tablespoon of vinegar in water in a specific ratio. Apply the solution with a spray bottle on the stove’s surface and wipe with a sponge. If you burn or roast anything directly on the stove try to wipe it immediately with vinegar solution.

Use Lemon With Baking Soda

A tremendous domestic tip for cleaning is the use of lemon. Sprinkle some baking soda on the lemon and rub it on the affected area as lemon has an alkaline property that quickly removes the stains. It is highly effective if you face burnt stains. It will also decrease the surface of your electric stove.

Use Mixture of Baking Soda and Vinegar

Sometimes, we have to fight with a burn spot that is much more stubborn than any other stains. Use a paste of baking soda and vinegar. It is highly effective than water and baking soda with a water solution. The solution removes the burning mark. Vinegar and baking soda soften the mark; you can easily wipe it with a sponge or rag.

Use Of Knife Or Hard Instrument

Sometimes people use knives to scratch stubborn stains or spots. However, this method works but could not be recommended because it creates a line and scratches on the surface. The upper sheet of the surface will be destroyed due to this scratch. However, you can use this method for old stoves where scratches don’t matter. 

Use of Commercial Cleaner

Many cleaners are available in the market; you may shop online from any website. Also, please don’t use harsh towels or clothes because they sometimes make visible lines and scratches on the surface. For stubborn stains, you may use scrapers but use them in moderation and read the instructions carefully before using them. We highly recommend the use of microfiber cloth for cleaning.

How to Clean Different Parts of Electric Stove

If you want to clean different parts of the stove, we have mentioned some helpful tips in the following:

Cleaning of Drip Pans of Electric Stove

Keep in mind removing the coil before the cleaning process to prevent any unpleasant incident. Now follow these steps:

  • Remove the drip pans of the stove from the burner.
  • Throw any accumulated garbage or residue from the pan in the dust bin.
  • Now prepare a solution with dishwashing detergent or soap and water (always use warm water) in a small bowl.
  • Next, dip the drip pan in solution for 30 minutes.
  • After settling down for 30 minutes, please remove it from the sink or tub and dry it with a clean towel. 

Follow this simple procedure to wash the drip pan. Sometimes stubborn marks are produced on the pan so that you can dip it for more time. You can also use baking soda to remove the stubborn mark. For oily marks, use vinegar spray.

Cleaning the Electric Stove Burner

Washing the burner of an electric stove is tricky and intricate. First, remove the burner from the cooktop and apply soap solution. Now rinse it with a clean cloth and apply water. Take care of your stove if the burner is tightly attached to prevent loss. You may also use baking soda and vinegar to clean the burner. 

Cleaning beneath the Stove Top

Try to open the upper part as long as it goes. Use a sponge dipped in water and a baking soda mixture. It is good to remove debris or any stuck food particles beneath the surface. Use any detergent or liquid cleaner for cleaning underneath part of the stove.

Cleaning Upper Surface of Stove Top

Use vinegar and baking soda solution to clean the surface. It restores the shine of the surface. Sprinkle baking soda on the surface and set for a few minutes. You may also use the solution of vinegar and baking soda. This solution has significant advantages in cleaning the surface of the stovetop. It not only removes the stubborn marks, food crumbs, surgery particles, burning liquids but also maximizes the shine of the surface.

Safety Precaution Before Cleaning

Before cleaning, keep the mentioned safety precautions in mind:

Remove Electric Coil

Do not use any electric appliances with wet bare hands or feet. In the case of an electric stove, firstly remove electric power then start cleaning. It will prevent short-circuiting.

Set To Cool Down

In the case of the glass surface, it will cool down after some time. Set the stove to cool off or use clothing to touch the surface to prevent any burn injuries.

Do not soak the burner in any liquid

Avoid immersing the burner in water or any liquid. It will damage the components.

Use Hands for Washing Drip Pan

People often use dishwashers for cleaning drip pans. However, always use your hands to clean the drip pan because it may help to avoid discoloration.

Use Rubber Gloves

Always follow safety measurements. Use rubber gloves which helps to prevent damage to the skin or any irritation. Rubber gloves also prevent your hands from rigid scrapers’ toughness.

Carefully Fit the Parts After Cleaning 

Assemble all parts of the stove carefully after cleaning. It is necessary to prevent electric shock during cooking.

Avoid Cleaning Broken Stove Top

Try to avoid using water or liquid for cleaning on a broken cooktop. It may penetrate the inner part, which may cause electric shock.


Anybody who has an electric stove raises a question, how to clean an electric stove top? From all the above discussion we can conclude that cleaning the electric stovetop is not as difficult as we think. However, it’s necessary to follow an accurate method. We hope our shared methods, tips & tricks, and precautions will be helpful for you.

Enjoy healthy cooking and keep your stove clean with these tips!


Yes, baking soda is an effective agent for any stove. Its alkaline nature removes the stain and unpleasant odor.

We can use a harsh, dry cloth to clean the coil of an electric stove. The grease stuck on the coil and needed to be cleaned regularly.

Vinegar is the best solution for cleaning glass tops. You can use a microfiber cloth dipped in vinegar and water solution.

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